

I suppose when beginning a blog about your life, the first thing you should give to your readers is a little information about yourself... so here goes nothing: I'm a 31 year old single male. I enjoy traveling, camping, and dogs. My favorite meals are ones that are easily prepared... whether that be over a fire or possibly turkey sandwiches. I try to live modestly and not ask for a lot, however the cost of feeding me over the coarse of my lifespan has skyrocketed and I haven't found myself taking adventures as I probably did at one point in my life.
Throughout my travels I have probably spent time with several people, though I am not sure. My memory is not so great. People and things tend to come in and out of my life. Some spend more time with me than others. Some I see more often in that period of time than others. It doesn't bother me as long as we get to see new things together.
I suppose since this is a blog that you would like to see a photo of me. Although I used to be very weary of having my photo taken because I felt old and unattractive, lately my two most recent friends cleaned me up and gave me a new outlook on life.

My name is Harvey. I'm a 1982 Ford Honeybee motorhome. I am currently living in Kentucky but the reason for this blog is to document our travels. On October 13th, we plan to hit the road and would love for you to keep tabs on us as we transition to the RV lifestyle!

This is a photo of me the day I came home with my new friends on July 1st. I've gotten a fresh coat of paint since this photo was taken.

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